Eye diseases like cataract, glaucoma, detached retina or myopia all come from weakness and inflammation in the tissues that compose and surround the eye. Most doctors don’t really know what to say to you on how to improve eye sight or on how to improve your condition if you have eye disease. In 1985, I developed detached retina in my right eye and my left eye had weakness. The day I went to the eye specialist in Palo Alto to see why part of my vision was dark, I didn’t go home
for three days. The very moment the doctor examined my eyes, he said “You need to go to the hospital right now and have surgery tonight. ” Was I scared? Definitely! Was the surgery a success? Yes it was. But not until I went through a 5 - hour laser surgery procedure, had a needle pushed into my eye as I looked straight at it, and had an in - house laser procedure of 50 pulses.
Months subsequent I asked my eye doctor what I could do to keep my eyes healthy and how to improve eye sight. There was silence and my query was never answered. He just didn’t know. Since that time I became a nutritionist and have learned many things about keeping eyes healthy, and I plan to tell an e - report so that I can pass the ammo on to many of you who want to avoid losing your stupendous eye sight as you emerge as older. Right now I want to donate you only one mechanism you can do on how to improve eye sight. I want to make over you a method on how you can make your own eye drops made out of MSM. As you recall in the last newsletter, I mentioned MSM eye drops that you can use in your ears to keep them flexible. Well, MSM eye drops are the best drops you can use in your eyes to: strengthen them deter glaucoma dissuade cataract keep them fledgling dissolve mucus accumulation keep your eyes dampish correct dryness quench strain content scarlet eye clear up claret eye clear up sties clears up eye infections tie up free hopeless free fundamental tie up destructive proteins The best part about MSM eye drops is that they are not addictive like many of the eye drops that you find at the drug moveable feast. The sustain best part about MSM eye drops is that they are really showy. Here’s what I buy when I make myself: I bought a 2 or 4 ounce brown eye dropper bottle. I buy torpedo MSM tablets of 1000 mg per lozenge. I buy salted solution that I use for my contact lens and that’s it.
Here’s how to make it:
1. Papule the eye dropper bottle with stem and rubber top for 10 minute.
2. Ensuing boiling, I rinse out the inside of the bottle, stem, and rubber cap with purified wash.
3. I fill the bottle with 80 % salted solution.
4. I add two to four MSM torpedoes making it 2000 to 4000 mg.
5. Lease the MSM dissolve and it’s ready for use. I have to acquaint you to derivation with only one torpedo. Then examination it on your eye by dropping one drop into your eye. You will feel a short bit of a sting.
Keep adding a torpedo until the sting is not too severe or too slight. I use 4 torpedoes since I am used to the sting. I also add a drop of 98 % Aloe Vera gel, since aloe has an antibacterial property and it promotes cell regeneration. Of course, adding aloe makes it sting more but this will not damage your eye. Just go slow and add small amount of aloe until you get the end you can alive with. This is a real nice eye drop. It is best to make it yourself since it can be done whenever you need it. I use it all the time before I put my contacts lens, when I have my contacts on, and subsequent I holding them croak. Have lively proof this and if you have spawn pageant them what you are savoir-faire on how to improve eye sight.
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